July 27, 2024

The Eye Of Africa

You are all hypocrites- Captain Smart descends on colleague journalists for name shaming John Mahama – VIDEO

2 min read

Veteran media personality Captain Smart has squashed allegations against former president John Dramani Mahama that he owns a house in Dubai. He also called out his colleague journalists who were sharing the news without any due diligence.


According to him, he personally travelled to Dubai in search of the said houses, adding that he did not find even a single room in the name of Mahama let alone a house. He continued that contrary to reports that Mahama had stashed monies away, his checks also proved negative.

“It was in this country we were told that Mahama had purchased houses in Dubai. Is it not so? Mahama I want to apologize to you for doing that story.

“I saw it in the newspapers and online, sorry John, sorry, sorry. That Mahama is corrupt, that he has bought a house in Dubai. I deliberately travelled to Dubai looking for Mahama’s house. I did not see even one. Sorry Mahama,” he added.

“Mahama does not have a single room in Dubai, not a single room. Anyone who knows a single room belonging to Mahama in Dubai should provide the house number, I will resign tomorrow. But we heaped those accusations on Mahama,” the Onua TV host stated.

He reiterated that he was making speaking today in the interest of standing for the truth and exonerating the former president despite not being a member of the opposition National Democratic Congress, NDC.

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