The Deputy Minister of Arts, Tourism, and Culture also an aspiring parliamentary candidate in Ayensuano constituency, Mark Okraku Mantey, has...
"These mysterious billboards have been creating quite a buzz on social media recently. They carry a puzzling message, "The...
His excellency John Dramani Mahama, the flagbearer of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), and the former president of Ghana, delivered...
The communication officer of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) Sammy Gyamfi took to X, formerly known as Twitter to...
Agya Koo, a popular Ghanaian, Kumahood actor has revealed in his recent interview with Angel Fm that he risked his...
POLICEMEN PHYSICALLY ASSAULT LEDZOKUKU CONSTITUENCY NPP SECRETARY. On 8th October, 2023, around 4:20 pm, the unfortunate happened at the premises...