February 10, 2025

The Eye Of Africa

Covid Test Scandal Hits Ghana’s Airport as Gov’t Reportedly Earns Only $10 Out of $150 Charged Passengers

3 min read

A member of Ghana’s minority in parliament Hon Samuel Okudzeto Ablakwa has made revelations concerning the Covid 19 tests carried out at Ghana’s terminal 3.

In his findings, details provided suggest there has been corrupt practices that aimed at frauding passengers to rich individuals.

Below are his summaries;

I have bad news for this buccaneer government. In the supreme national interest, I have by the Grace of God intercepted all the relevant documents on this dubious Frontiers heist, notwithstanding government’s desperate efforts at a shameless cover-up.

SOA Oversight shall ensure that this grand Frontiers create, loot and share; together with all those who FRONTED for FRONTIERS are duly exposed and sanctioned for God and Country.

Today’s exposé will focus attention on the bombshell offer letter from the Ghana Airport Company Limited to Frontiers Healthcare Services Limited, dated August 31, 2020 and signed by former Managing Director, Mr. Yaw Kwakwa.

This explosive offer letter reveals the following:

1. Frontiers was handpicked in an opaque sweetheart deal after a hush-hush discussion;

2. Ghana’s procurement laws were blatantly and violently flouted. In fact, Ghana’s procurement laws were suspended;

3. This was not a competitive exercise as credible institutions such as Noguchi Memorial Institute for Medical Research, Kumasi Centre for Collaborative Research, Korle Bu Central Laboratory and others who were at the forefront of the COVID containment were sidelined as government opted for the overnight incorporated dubious Frontiers;

4. This letter incredibly reveals how an offer was made to Frontiers on 31st August, 2020 and how actual testing magically commenced the next day, September 1, 2020. Something to soon feature in Guinness World Records;

5. In a total rip off, the government per the offer letter asked for a fixed share of a measly and wickedly unpatriotic $10 per test as Frontiers keeps $140 per test considering that Frontiers was charging each passenger $150;

6. Shockingly, Frontiers was asked according to the offer letter to make a paltry and insulting payment of only $97,109.00 as proof of acceptance of the offer for an exclusive control of the Upper Arrival, Terminal 3, KIA — regardless of the fact that Frontiers stood to make and has indeed made profits worth hundreds of millions of dollars;

7. Despite this outrageous giveaway, Frontiers was exempted from paying water bills;

8. The offer letter did not provide technical specifications, standards and the specific amount of investment Frontiers was obliged to make in setting up the testing facility which actually exposes how everything was skewed by government officials to collude with Frontiers in raping Ghanaians;

9. The offer letter made no reference to mandatory authorization from the Health Facilities Regulatory Authority (HeFRA) as a condition precedent which explains why Frontiers commenced work many months before it applied to HeFRA for licensing after my original exposé;

10. From the intercepted offer letter, Frontiers was granted an unfathomable long duration of 2 years to loot, create and share; and that was regardless of whether Covid is defeated in a few weeks or not. This also explains why Ghana was basically the only country still testing at the airport many months after airport authorities in many other jurisdictions had stopped and dismantled their testing systems;

11. The evidence is overwhelming that this Frontiers deal was a grand operation between a buccaneer government and lootocratic entrepreneurs to make a fortune at a time many were being killed and hospitalized by a devastating pandemic.

Conservative analysis of passenger traffic statistics available on the website of the Ghana Airport Company shows that during the 2-year period of Frontiers’ scam operations — there were an estimated 1million arrivals at KIA. Factoring eventual reductions from $150 to $50 only for ECOWAS nationals, Frontiers and those vampires who fronted for them must have raked in not less than US$130million in killer profits. This happened during a public health crisis — think about it.

I shall release more documents on this unconscionable killer Frontiers scandal in subsequent publications.


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